레이블이 Georgetown Law Bookstore인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Georgetown Law Bookstore인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'georgetown bookstores'|...to agree with her. Maybe going down to Georgetown and getting her picture taken...the line. Politics and Prose is the best bookstore in the world. I have never seen that...

About 'georgetown bookstores'|...to agree with her. Maybe going down to Georgetown and getting her picture taken...the line. Politics and Prose is the best bookstore in the world. I have never seen that...

Secret               police,               library               record               surveillance,               wiretapping               and               forced               detention,               all               done               in               secrecy,               seems               like               a               horror               reserved               for               other               countries,               like               Hitler¹s               Germany,               rather               than               something               that               is               practiced               in               the               "land               of               the               free"               USA.

Perhaps               it               is               the               tendency               that               we               have               of               being               blind               to               what               is               directly               in               front               of               us,               or               maybe               it               is               because               we,               as               a               people,               are               kept               preoccupied               and               busy               that               many               of               us               do               not               realize               that               with               the               passing               of               the               Patriot               Act               on               October               26,               2001,               our               government               is               doing               just               that.

Now,               with               a               bill               dubbed               the               Patriot               Act               II,               more               Big               Brother               monitoring               and               control               may               be               on               its               way.

The               Patriot               Act               was               hurriedly               passed               in               the               aftermath               of               9-11.

The               word               "patriot"               in               the               Patriot               Act               is               an               acronym               that               spells               out               "Providing               Appropriate               Tools               Required               to               Intercept               and               Obstruct               Terrorism".

While               the               premise               of               this               act               may               seem               justifiable,               especially               immediately               after               a               tragedy               that               was               categorized               as               an               act               of               terrorism,               this               legislation               slowly               consumes               many               civil               liberties               that               this               country               has               prided               itself               on               since               its               conception.

This               act               gives               law               enforcement               officials               broader               authority               to               conduct               electronic               surveillance               and               wiretaps.

It               also               gives               the               president               the               authority               to               confiscate               any               and               all               property               within               US               jurisdiction               of               anyone               who               is               believed               to               be               engaging               in               terrorism               when               the               country               is               "under               attack".

The               Act               also               affects               financial               activities               and               Immigration.

The               bill               was               passed               by               a               vote               of               357-66               by               the               House               of               Representatives               and               98-1               by               the               Senate.

"Today,               we               take               an               essential               step               in               defeating               terrorism               while               protecting               the               constitutional               rights               of               all               Americans,"               George               W.

Bush               said               during               the               signing               ceremony.

While               Bush¹s               rhetoric               may               have               been               convincing               to               the               general               public,               the               Act,               in               reality,               infringes               on               our               Constitutional               Rights.
               Patriot               Act               I
               "These               new               and               unchecked               powers               could               be               used               against               American               citizens               who               are               not               under               criminal               investigation,               immigrants               who               are               here               within               our               borders               legally               and               also               against               those               whose               First               Amendment               activities               are               deemed               to               be               threats               to               national               security               by               the               Attorney               General,"               Gregory               T.

Nojeim,               Associate               Director               of               the               American               Civil               Liberties               Union's               Washington               Office               stated.

Critics               of               the               Patriot               Act               complain               that               it               funnels               excessive               power               to               the               Executive               branch               of               the               government               while               limiting               the               Congress               and               Judicial               branch,               thus               eliminating               some               of               the               "checks               and               balances"               that               were               designed               to               keep               our               government               accountable.
               The               Patriot               Act               provides               federal               agencies               with               more               surveillance               options               and               less               judicial               supervision.

"Roving               wiretaps"               are               one               example               of               the               new               legalized               powers               of               the               government               with               the               passing               of               the               Patriot               Act.

It               allows               a               roving               wiretap               that               allows               a               person's               conversations               to               be               intercepted               on               multiple               phones,               including               cell               phones               and               other               phones               a               target               uses               (possibly               in               someone               else's               home).

This               can               now               be               done               without               probable               cause.

These               roving               wiretaps               are,               of               course,               authorized               secretly.
               Before               the               Act,               the               government               could               order               a               telephone               company               to               turn               over               a               list               of               the               numbers               being               dialed               to               and               from               a               particular               telephone               on               an               order               from               a               judge.

The               Patriot               Act               forces               a               judge               to               grant               the               order               if               the               government               certifies               that               the               information               sought               is               "relevant               to               ongoing               criminal               investigation",               regardless               of               whether               or               not               the               judge               agrees.
               It               also               allows               the               government               access               to               dialing,               routing               and               signaling               information               in               connection               with               computers.

This               means               that               the               government               lawfully               has               access               to               emails               sent               and               received               and               a               list               of               websites               visited               on               a               computer.

After               obtaining               a               warrant,               feds               will               be               able               to               track               all               websites               people               visit               from               a               public               library               and               obtain               all               the               email               addresses               involved               in               any               correspondence,               without               the               library               being               able               to               tell               its               patrons               that               surveillance               is               taking               place.
               Feds               will               also               be               monitoring               library               use,               and               instead               of               being               required               to               show               probable               cause               to               get               a               search               warrant               for               library               records,               patron               registration               information               and               internet               use               records,               now               an               agent               must               only               explain               why               he/she               thinks               that               records               may               be               related               to               terrorism               or               intelligence               investigations.

Under               the               Act,               librarians               will               be               under               a               gag               order               preventing               them               from               telling               library               users               that               their               records               were               turned               over               to               the               feds               for               ongoing               monitoring.
               It¹s               not               only               libraries               that               are               affected               -               bookstores               are               under               the               same               microscope.

Warrants               can               be               obtained               quite               easily               that               allow               agents               to               collect               "any               tangible               things"               in               a               bookstore               (or               library).

This               would               include               customer               records               and               personal               information,               book               circulation               records,               disks               and               computers.

"We               now               know               that               bookstores               and               libraries               have               received               such               subpoenas               asking               for               the               purchase               or               lending               records               of               their               patrons.

It               is               a               truly               frightening               day               in               America               when               bookstores               are               considering               destroying               their               records               so               when               the               government               comes               knocking               at               the               door               to               find               out               what               their               customers               have               been               reading               they               will               have               nothing               to               turn               over,"               Senator               Russ               Feingold               (Democrat,               Wisconsin)               said.
               The               Patriot               Act               enables               the               Attorney               General               to               certify               that               he               has               "reasonable               grounds               to               believe"               that               a               non-citizen               endangers               national               security.

He               can               detain               and               deport               non-citizens               with               little               or               no               judicial               review.

The               Attorney               General               and               the               Secretary               of               State               now               have               the               authority               to               designate               domestic               groups               as               terrorist               organizations,               and               can               deport               any               non-citizen               who               is               a               part               of               them.

"If               you               overstay               your               visas               even               by               one               day,               we               will               arrest               you.

If               you               violate               a               local               law               -               we               will               hope               that               you               will,               and               work               to               make               sure               that               you               are               put               in               jail               and               be               kept               in               custody               as               long               as               possible,"               John               Ashcroft               vowed               to               "suspected               terrorists".
               Other               Powers
               The               Attorney               General               announced               that               he               intends               to               eavesdrop               on               inmates¹               attorney-client               conversations.

"I¹ve               heard               discussion               of               it               on               some               of               the               talk               shows               in               our               state..."               Maria               Canwell               (Washington               Senator)               said.

"Attorneys               [were]               calling               in               and               saying               that               information,               their               private               conversations               between               them               and               their               client,               were               being               gathered."
               The               Attorney               General               has               said               that               he               intends               to               have               state               and               local               law               enforcement               help               question               5000               people               who               appear               to               have               been               selected               based               on               ethnicity               or               religion.
               The               President               issued               an               Executive               order               declaring               that               he               will               decide               when               trials               will               take               place               before               military               commissions               rather               than               in               normal               courts.
               Freedom               of               the               press               means               very               little               if               one               cannot               read               books               freely.

Our               freedom               to               gather               means               virtually               nothing               if               a               group               or               organization               can               be               deemed               a               terrorist               group               at               the               sole               discretion               of               the               Attorney               General               or               Secretary               of               State.

Due               process               of               law               is               extinct               if               the               government               is               allowed               to               detain               people               based               not               on               evidence,               but               on               their               "belief"               that               they               are               involved               in"terrorist"               activity,               keep               them               in               secret               locations,               and               refuse               to               share               their               locations,               conditions,               state               of               well-being               or               reasons               for               detaining               them.
               Some               members               of               Congress               have               become               worried.

Those               who               are               conscious               enough               have               asked               the               Justice               Department               to               show               how               it               is               using               its               new               powers.

They               have               received               little               to               no               information,               however.

In               fact,               most               of               the               information               regarding               libraries               and               bookstores               have               been               classified               as               ³confidential²               and               has               not               been               released               to               Congress.
               National               organizations               filing               a               request               under               the               Freedom               of               Information               Act               have               not               been               able               to               obtain               information               regarding               how               many               times               the               government               has               used               its               new               wiretap               authorities.

Meanwhile,               an               informal               survey               done               by               the               University               of               Illinois               found               that               83               libraries               across               the               country               have               been               visited               by               authorities               since               the               Sept.

11               incident.
               Under               the               Patriot               Act,               the               government               has               the               legal               authority               to               watch               and               monitor               anyone¹s               activities,               phone               conversations,               internet               usage               and               reading               habits.

They               can               read               your               email.

And               they               can               take               action               without               warning,               legally               and               secretly.
               Patriot               Act               II
               As               if               the               original               Patriot               Act               wasn't               adequate               to               discourage               the               public               from               freely               voicing               their               opinions,               reading               what               they               wish,               and               feeling               free               in               the               country               that               sees               itself               as               the               defender               of               freedom               and               democracy,               a               new               bill               dubbed               the               Patriot               Act               II               that               is               secretly               in               the               works               will               reduce               our               privacy               even               more.

The               Center               for               PUblic               Integrity               obtained               a               draft               of               the               new               legislation               that               was               dated               January               9,               2003,               and               has               published               it               on               the               internet.

This               unreleased               draft               proves               that,               although               they               have               denied               such               a               bill,               the               government               is               planning               a               new               legislation               that               further               empowers               the               government.
               After               the               Center               published               the               story               and               the               draft               of               the               bill,               the               government,               who               had               previously               denied               any               knowledge               of               such               a               proposal,               changed               its               story.

Barbara               Cromstock,               the               director               of               public               affairs               for               the               Justice               Department,               released               a               statement               saying,               "Department               staff               have               not               presented               any               final               proposals               to               either               the               Attorney               General               or               the               White               House.

It               would               be               premature               to               speculate               on               any               future               decisions,               particularly               ideas               or               proposals               that               are               still               being               discussed               at               staff               levels."               Meanwhile,               the               PBS               program               ³"Now               with               Bill               Boyers"               obtained               an               Office               of               Legislative               Affairs               control               sheet               indicating               that               a               copy               of               the               bill               was               sent               to               Speaker               of               the               House               Dennis               Hastert               and               Vice               President               Richard               Cheney               on               January               10,               2003.

"Attached               for               your               review               and               comment               is               a               draft               legislative               proposal               entitled               the               ŒDomestic               Security               Enhancement               Act               of               2003¹."               the               memo               said               that               was               sent               from               the               Office               of               Legal               Policy.

Perhaps               it               is               because               of               the               severity               of               this               bill¹s               provisions               that               it               is               surrounded               by               lies               and               dishonesty.
               Section               201               of               Patriot               Act               II,               Prohibition               of               Disclosure               of               Terrorism               Investigation               Detainee               Information,               enhances               the               Freedom               of               Information               Information               Act               officers               ability               to               deny               releasing               material               on               suspected               terrorists               in               government               custody.

In               other               words,               if               the               government               detains               someone               for               suspected               terrorism,               they               do               not               have               to               release               any               information               on               that               person.
               Section               202,               Distribution               of               ŒWorst               Case               Scenario¹               Information,               restricts               the               public¹s               information               to               private               company¹s               "worst               case               scenario"               mandatory               reports.

Companies               using               potentially               dangerous               chemicals               must               produce               these               reports,               which               include               the               effect               that               the               release               of               the               controlled               substances               would               have               on               the               surrounding               community.

If               these               reports               are               kept               confidential,               our               communities               may               be               infiltrated               with               more               companies               using               dangerous               chemicals               without               our               knowledge,               and               our               health               may               be               put               at               risk.
               Section               301-306,Terrorist               Identification               Database,               authorize               a               DNA               database               to               be               created               on               "suspected               terrorists".

The               definition               of               a               suspected               terrorist               is               expanded               to               include               association               with               suspected               terrorist               groups               and               noncitizens               suspected               of               certain               crimes.
               Section               312.

Appropriate               Remedies               with               Respect               to               Law               Enforcement               Surveillance               Activities,               terminates               state               law               enforcement               consent               decrees               before               September               11,               2001               that               limit               agencies               from               gathering               information               about               individuals               or               organizations.

It               also               places               restriction               on               court               injunctions.
               Section               405               ,               Presumption               for               Pretrial               Detention               in               Cases               Involving               Terrorism,               allows               those               suspected               of               terrorism               to               be               held               before               their               trial.
               Section               501               Expatriation               of               Terrorists               allows               an               American               citizen               to               be               expatriated               if               his               intent               to               relinquish               citizenship               is               "inferred               from               conduct".

This               would               allow               citizens               to               be               expatriated               for               engaging               in               lawful               activities               of               a               group               designated               as               a               terrorist               organization               by               the               Attorney               General.

David               Cole,               Georgetown               University               Law               professor,               reviewed               the               draft               legislation               and               said               that               it               "raises               a               lot               of               serious               concerns"               because               the               proposed               law               would               "radically               expand               law               enforcement               and               intelligence               gathering               authorities,               reduce               or               eliminate               judicial               oversight               over               surveillance,               authorize               secret               arrests,               create               a               DNA               database               based               on               unchecked               executive               Œsuspicion¹,               create               new               death               penalties,               and               even               seek               to               take               American               citizenship               away               from               persons               who               belonged               to               disfavored               political               groups."
               Patriot               Act               II               allows               the               government               to:
               secretly               detain               citizens               
               deport               aliens,               including               those               with               green               cards,               who               are               convicted               of               drug               possession               or               an               aggravated               felony               
               access               credit               reports               without               a               subpoena               
               abolish               federal               court               consent               decrees               that               limit               police               surveillance               of               non-               criminal               organizations               and               events               
               ease               restrictions               on               the               use               of               secret               evidence               
               collect               DNA               from               suspected               terrorists               or               any               individual               whose               DNA               might               be               able               to               assist               investigations
               Some               of               the               provisions               of               these               acts               may               seem               allowable               in               the               mission               to               combat               terrorist               activity.

The               question               is,               what               is               the               definition               of               a               terrorist?

Because               these               acts               allow               "terrorist               individuals               or               groups"               to               be               determined               by               the               discretion               of               an               individual,               anyone               who               has               views               outside               of               what               the               government               deems               acceptable               may               be               considered               a               terrorist.

Will               anti-war               protesters               be               seen               as               terrorists               or               national               security               threats?

Will               your               neighbor               who               checks               out               a               book               be               deemed               a               terrorist?
               The               Attorney               General               and               the               Executive               Branch               of               the               government               are               receiving               huge               amounts               of               power               that               will               be               unchecked               by               the               other               governmental               branches.

Opponents               to               political               power               and               other               "threats"               are               at               risk               of               being               squashed,               detained               or               dubbed               terrorists.

Our               democracy               may               slowly               be               heading               down               the               path               of               totalitarianism.

Image of georgetown bookstores

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georgetown bookstores

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georgetown bookstores

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georgetown bookstores

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georgetown bookstores
georgetown bookstores

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georgetown bookstores
georgetown bookstores

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    2013년 11월 27일 수요일

    About 'bookstore in georgetown dc'|Georgetown branch of DC Public Library fire

    About 'bookstore in georgetown dc'|Georgetown branch of DC Public Library fire

    So               you               want               to               see               history               being               made               -               yes?



    I               will               give               you               my               best               advice               as               a               DC               resident               on               how               to               cope               with               the               Inauguration               madness               on               January               20,               2009               and               the               preceding               week.

    First,               some               facts.
                   1)               The               Washington               Metrorail               averages               about               600-700,000               daily               passengers.

    Current               estimates               are               for               as               many               as               4               million               people               to               be               on               the               Mall               and               along               Pennsylvania               Avenue               on               Inauguration               Day.

    Most               of               those               attending               will               be               from               out               of               town.

    Some               will               walk               to               their               hotel,               some               will               try               to               get               a               cab,               a               few               will               take               buses               running               on               a               reduced               (?!)               schedule               but               most               will               probably               crowd               into               the               Metro               along               with               many               of               the               folks               who               actually               work               for               a               living               in               DC.

    Most               white               collar               workers               will               have               the               day               off               but               blue               collar               service               workers               selling               food               and               booze               will               mostly               work               the               mother               of               all               overtime               shifts.

    In               short,               it               will               be               amazingly               tight               on               the               Metro,               both               on               the               trains               and               on               the               platforms.

    Metro               is               running               the               trains               on               a               rush-hour               level               schedule               from               4               a.m.

    to               7               p.m               straight               and               will               certainly               set               a               new               daily               passenger               volume               record.
                   2)               Washington               is               not               Montreal               but               late               January               is               not               much               fun               for               a               lot               of               people               here.

    It's               fairly               cold               and               damp               with               wind;               at               Dulles               Airport,               the               temperature               stays               on               average               just               barely               below               freezing,               with               daily               highs               and               lows               below               and               above.

    Recall               the               massive               crowds               and               how               thick               it               will               be               along               all               of               the               routes;               finding               a               warm               shelter               to               take               a               break               may               well               constitute               giving               up               on               viewing               the               events.
                   3)               Lodging               is               at               a               severe               premium.

    Lots               of               Washingtonians               are               charging               outrageous               daily               rates               for               lodging,               in               excess               of               20               times               normal               rent.

    I               have               seen               listings               for               nice               but               not               devastatingly               impressive               townhouses               for               $3,000               a               night,               and               apartments               on               Dupont               Circle               that               lease               for               maybe               $2500/month               charging               $2000               a               day.

    If               you               don't               believe               this,               do               a               search               for               "inauguration"               for               sublets               on               Craigslist               or               just               look               at               these               DAILY               rates.

    Large               landlords               are               issuing               warning               notices               to               tenants               not               to               sublet               without               authorization               but               I               suspect               that               "cheating"               is               already               massive.

    I               was               tempted               myself               but               I               don't               want               to               cheat,               and               don't               want               to               get               sued               AND               evicted               for               what               random               out-of-town               visitors               might               do               to               my               place.

    BOTTOM               LINE:               If               you               don't               have               lodging,               you               need               to               call               in               favors,               bunk               with               family               or               old               friends               or               start               looking               up               to               50               miles               away;               Baltimore's               hotels               40               miles               away               are               already               filling               and               may               be               filled               to               capacity.
                   4)               Odds               are               you               will               be               able               to               see               the               events               better               on               TV               than               you               will               even               with               an               excellent               viewing               spot.

    Tickets               for               the               Inauguration               itself               are               already               going               going               gone               from               Congressional               offices               and               into               the               "scalper"               market,               though               if               you               live               in               the               West               or               in               a               small               population               state,               your               Congressional               and               especially               Senatorial               delegation               may               be               less               deluged               marginally.

    Some               offices               are               distributing               them               first-come,               first-serve;               others               are               running               a               random               pool.

    If               you               don't               get               a               ticket,               you               are               a               pedestrian               looking               for               a               TV.

    This               website               of               the               Joint               Congressional               Committee               on               Inaugural               Ceremonies               (aka               "the               Joint               Committee")               may               provide               additional               guidance               on               the               swearing-in               itself               at               the               Capitol.

    After               the               Inauguration               itself,               there               are               the               parade               and               a               number               of               "official"               Inaugural               Balls               sponsored               by               the               Presidential               Inaugural               Committee,               and               other               unofficial               events               sponsored               by               many               other               organizations               for               fun,               frolic               and               undoubtedly               alcoholic               excess.
                   Well,               if               I               haven't               scared               you               away,               here's               what               I               would               encourage               you               to               consider               to               get               the               most               out               of               your               visit               here.
                   a)               If               you               take               the               Metro,               respect               the               Metro.

    Do               not               eat,               drink               or               dear               G-d               smoke               on               the               Metro.

    They               arrest               10               year-old               girls               here               for               eating               out               of               their               lunch               bags               and               Metro               police               will               have               absolutely               no               sense               of               humor               or               respect               for               your               off-beat               personality               that               you               developed               in               your               years               in               the               brown               cafes               in               Amsterdam.

    Arresting               you               will               bring               a               cheer               from               locals               if               you               blatantly               leave               roachbait               crumbs               on               the               trains               and               platforms               or               poison               the               air               for               the               next               100               passengers.

    Even               Libertarian               Party               members               who               live               here               will               have               no               sympathy               for               you.

    If               you               plan               to               bring               a               unauthorized               weapon               onto               the               Metro               on               Inauguration               Day,               seek               professional               help.

    The               Washington               Metro               is               rather               safe               but               this               safety               brochure               is               still               wise.
                   b)               Buy               Metro               fare               early.

    I               recommend               a               day               pass               or               even               a               week               pass               if               you               are               staying               the               whole               week,               but               if               you               are               riding               a               la               carte,               drop               a               $20               into               the               machine               and               give               the               card's               balance               to               a               local               friend               as               a               gift.

    Don't               be               standing               in               line               on               Inauguration               Day               buying               $1.35               fares               to               go               three               stops               to               Dupont               Circle.

    If               you               are               taking               a               bus,               go               ahead               and               buy               an               all               day               bus               pass               on               your               first               boarding.

    There's               a               time               and               place               to               pay               extra               and               not               sweat               it.
                   c)               How               to               board               and               ride               the               Metro.

    Study               this               map               to               help               you               familiarize               yourself               with               the               system.

    If               you               are               on               a               Metro               escalator,               you               STAND               on               the               right               and               you               WALK               BRISKLY               on               the               left.

    Ignoring               this               means               that               you               will               be               cursed               to               your               face,               possibly               by               one               of               the               nuns               of               the               Poor               Clares               convent               boarding               at               Catholic               University.

    It               may               not               be               possible               to               do               this               due               to               the               crowds,               but               do               it               if               you               can.

    When               you               hear               the               chime               and               the               announcement               to               "step               back:               doors               closing",               do               it,               unless               you               want               to               lose               a               bag               or               a               finger.

    There               will               be               rush-hour               level               service               all               day;               you               can               afford               to               miss               one               train               and               catch               the               next               one.

    On               the               Metro,               no               gentleman               or               lady               sits               when               a               pregnant               woman,               a               senior               citizen               or               a               disabled               citizen               stands.
                   d)               Where               to               go               on               the               Metro               to               get               to               the               events.

    Subject               to               change               and               further               notice.

    For               the               Pennsylvania               Avenue               parade               route,               the               stations               that               you               will               want               are               Judiciary               Square,               Metro               Center,               Gallery               Place,               Federal               Triangle               and               Smithsonian               and               you               should               prepare               to               do               a               little               (a               lot               of)               walking.

    All               of               them               are               likely               to               be               "zoos"               and               I               am               surprised               that               Federal               Triangle               will               even               be               kept               open               due               to               the               crowd               pressure               right               on               site.

    Expect               Pennsylvania               Avenue               to               be               extremely               difficult               to               cross               until               well               after               the               parade               is               over;               I               recommend               considering               the               Metro               Blue/Orange               Line               to               cross               Pennsylvania               Avenue               and               then               walking               back               up               the               several               blocks               to               Pennsylvania               Avenue               from               the               south               side               at               L'Enfant               or               Smithsonian.

    These               are               long               walks               in               the               cold               through               the               masses               on               the               Mall,               but               the               tensest               U.S.

    non-military               security               zone               on               Inauguration               Day               may               well               be               about               1.4               miles               long,               60               yards               wide               and               paved.

    To               get               to               the               Mall,               take               the               Metro               to               Smithsonian               or               perhaps               L'Enfant               Plaza,               and               again               get               ready               to               walk.

    If               you               are               one               of               the               elite               few               to               get               tickets               to               the               actual               Inauguration,               I               suggest               Union               Station               and               either               a               cab               or               a               walk               to               the               Capitol;               Capitol               South               is               also               a               good               choice               but               Union               Station               will               probably               be               a               shorter               Metro               ride               for               many.
                   e)               Best               place               to               go               to               in               DC               for               enjoyment               afterwards?

    I               recommend               Busboys               and               Poets               though               their               main               location               on               14th               Street               will               likely               be               mobbed.

    The               location               near               Mount               Vernon               Square               is               very               new,               less               well-known               and               you               may               find               it               easier               to               get               seated               there               late               in               the               evening.

    Busboys               and               Poets               is               a               very               liberal               bookstore/restaurant/bar               with               liberal               and               radical               titles               on               the               shelves               and               rather               good               food               and               drink               at               moderate               prices.

    Then               again,               I               am               a               liberal               and               an               Obama               supporter,               so               its               "vibe"               suits               me               fine.

    But               Georgetown               and               Adams-Morgan               (both               accessible               by               bus               or               by               Metro               and               a               long               walk)               will               be               brimming               with               parties               and               festivities               to               enjoy               generally.
                   If               you               come               to               DC,               please               enjoy               your               visit               and               all               the               best!

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